The Birds of Mount Diablo's Woodland
By Jenn Roe
The Oak woodland habitat attracts and assortment of birds where oaks (the dominant tree) and other vegetation offer a variety of food to suit a range of avian eating habits: acorns and other seeds, berries, leaves, wood, sap, roots and pollen. These plant foods attract insects and other edible creatures that add to the list of menu items.
Many birds find shelter here. Some nest in tree cavities, while other species make their home in the canopy of leaves and branches, or under the protection of understory plants.
Birds found in Mount Diablo's oak woodlands include year-round and seasonal residents, visitors from bordering habitats, and migratory birds seeking respite before continuing their journey.
Breeding birds species in the oak woodlands include:
California Quail (year round)
California Scrub-Jay (year round)
Northern Flicker (year round)
White-breasted Nuthatch (year round)
Oak Titmouse (year round)
California Towhee (year round)
Dark-eyed Junco (year round)
Western Bluebird (year round)
Orange-crowned Warbler (summer)
Cedar Waxwing (winter)
Black-chinned Sparrow (mostly late April to June)

Northern Flicker | Daniel Fitzgerald

Western Bluebird | Daniel Fitzgerald

California Quail | Dave Furseth