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Rare Plants on Mount Diablo

Only plants with photos are shown. See full list (PDF)
Brewer's Calandrinia
Brewer's Calandrinia

Calandrinia breweri

Brewer's Western Flax
Brewer's Western Flax

Hesperolinon breweri

Chaparral Harebell
Chaparral Harebell

Ravenella exigua

Contra Costa Manzanita
Contra Costa Manzanita

Arctostaphylos manzanita ssp. laevigata

Hairy Bird’s Beak
Hairy Bird’s Beak

Cordylanthus pilosus ssp. pilosus

Hospital Canyon Larkspur
Hospital Canyon Larkspur

Delphinium californicum ssp. interius

Jepson's Woolly Sunflower
Jepson's Woolly Sunflower

Eriophyllum jepsonii

Michael's Rein Orchid
Michael's Rein Orchid

Piperia michaelii

Most Beautiful Jewelflower
Most Beautiful Jewelflower

Streptanthus glandulosus ssp. glandulosus

Mount Diablo Bird's-beak
Mount Diablo Bird's-beak

Cordylanthus nidularius

Mount Diablo Buckwheat
Mount Diablo Buckwheat

Eriogonum truncatum

Mount Diablo Globe Lily, Mount Diablo Fairy Lantern
Mount Diablo Globe Lily, Mount Diablo Fairy Lantern

Calochortus pulchellus

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