Native Plant Garden - Additional Resources
General Information
Plant Selection For Your Area
California Native Plant Society Calscape identifies plants that are suited to very specific areas.
Watersmart Gardener Planting Guide (EBMUD) offers a simple landscaping layout with suggested plants that can be adapted to your needs.
A UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden California Native Planting Plan offers a template for a simple layout that includes plant selection.
Where To Get California Native Plants
If you know what you want, your local nursery most likely will be able to order it for you.
A great local resource is Native Here Nursery.
Las Pilitas Nursery offers online ordering and carries many native plants from all parts of California.
California Native Plants for the Garden by Carol Bornstein, David Fross, and Bart O'Brien
Plants and Landscapes for Summer-dry Climates of the San Francisco Bay Region edited by Nora Harlow and published by the East Bay Municipal Utility District

Mariposa Lily