Get Involved
Mount Diablo Interpretive Association and Mount Diablo State Park Volunteer Programs
Volunteering allows members to commit to as little as a couple of hours a week and still provide vital assistance to the association and park. If you are interested in any of these opportunities and would like more information, please email us.

MDIA and Mount Diablo State Park offer MDIA members and the public volunteer opportunities in the park and in MDIA operations. The association encourages all its members to become involved in MDIA's growth and in park activities.
The State Department of Parks and Recreation sponsors the Volunteers In The Parks Program (VIPP) to provide organized and effective use of volunteers, including recognition for their contributions to state parks. The work of volunteers is highly appreciated and is necessary to maintain the parks in California. All volunteers in the park are required to complete several hours of training given at the park by park staff. For more information about the VIPP program, contact
Volunteer opportunities available
Docent at the Summit Visitor Center or Mitchell Canyon
Visitor Center.
MDIA and Mount Diablo State Park are recruiting for volunteers to serve as Park Docents. Park Docents staff the Summit and Mitchell Canyon Visitor Centers and hike trails as roving docents. Docents provide information to park visitors and sell merchandise on behalf of MDIA. Docents usually work 3 to 4 hour shifts.
Guide scheduled hikes for visitors.
MDIA schedules public hikes throughout the year. We are always looking for interested individuals to lead or assist with these hikes.
Back Country Patrol.
Volunteers hike, bike, or ride horseback on trails in the park, reporting any issues and helping to interpret the park. Note that special training is required to assist with visitor emergencies.
Trail Crew.
Interested individuals are invited to join the Mount Diablo Volunteer Trail Crew program to assist in maintaining park trails.
MDIA committee member.
MDIA has many active committees, including outreach/publicity, publications, merchandising, trail adoption, and trash removal. These committees often sponsor activities and are always looking for volunteers to help.
MDIA board member.
Periodically, MDIA recruits board members. Board members commit to meeting once a month as well as serving as committee leads and participating in MDIA activities.