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Birds A-Z

Acorn Woodpecker
Acorn Woodpecker

Melanerpes formicivorus

Allen's Hummingbird
Allen's Hummingbird

Selasphorus sasin

American Crow
American Crow

Corvus brachyrhynchos

American Kestrel
American Kestrel

Falco sparverius

American Pipit
American Pipit

Anthus rubescens

American Robin
American Robin

Turdus migratorius

Anna's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird

Calypte anna

Ash-throated Flycatcher
Ash-throated Flycatcher

Myiarchus cinerascens

Band-tailed Pigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon

Patagioenas fasciata

Barn Owl
Barn Owl

Tyto alba

Barn Swallow
Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

Bell's Sparrow
Bell's Sparrow

Artemisiospiza belli

Bewick's Wren
Bewick's Wren

Thryomanes bewickii

Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe

Sayornis nigricans

Black-headed Grosbeak
Black-headed Grosbeak

Pheucticus melanocephalus

Black-throated Gray Warbler
Black-throated Gray Warbler

Setophaga nigrescens

Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

Polioptila caerulea

Brewer's Blackbird
Brewer's Blackbird

Euphagus cyanocephalus

Brown Creeper
Brown Creeper

Certhia americana

Brown-headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird

Molothrus ater

Bullok's Oriole
Bullok's Oriole

Icterus bullockii

Burrowing Owl
Burrowing Owl

Athene cunicularia


Psaltriparus minimus

California Quail
California Quail

Callipepla californica

California Scrub Jay
California Scrub Jay

Aphelocoma californica

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