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Red-winged Blackbird

Blackbirds, Orioles, and Meadowlarks

Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus

All Year

Blackbirds, Orioles, and Meadowlarks

Red-winged Blackbird

Daniel Fitzgerald

Red-winged Blackbird

Found in marshes, grassy field, along road sides, usually near water.

A black bird with red-marked wings clinches the identification of the male. Lower edge of red in males wing is bordered with buffy-white or buffy-yellow strip. Females are duller, with buffy eyebrow and streaked under parts.

Usually nests near or over water; nest is placed in emergent vegetation, but also in shrubs, rarely in trees. It is a cup-shaped structure built from cattail leaves, sedges, and other plant fibers. Feeds on seeds and insects.

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