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Variable Checkerspot

Variable Checkerspot

Be on the lookout for something black and orange...


Clark's Sphinx Moth

Clark's Sphinx Moth

Try to focus on that green blur in front of a blossom...


Edwards Digger Bee, and Its Nemesis

Edwards Digger Bee, and Its Nemesis

Spring brings the Digger Bees (Genus Anthophora ) out of the ground as they emerge from the nests...


Deer Flat Hike

Deer Flat Hike

As wet weather and winter sets in the question arises, where to hike with limited mud?


Halcones peregrinos de Pine Canyon y el equipo MDIA Peregrine

Halcones peregrinos de Pine Canyon y el equipo MDIA Peregrine

El animal más rápido del mundo es vecino tuyo...


Tassajara Creek Hike

Tassajara Creek Hike

In the dog days of summer, it can sometimes be challenging to find a suitable hike on Mount Diablo...


Weird and Wonderful: Button's Banana Slug

Weird and Wonderful: Button's Banana Slug time you see a Button’s Banana Slug, you will be looking at a rare, exceptional slug!


Weird and Wonderful: Galls

Weird and Wonderful: Galls

Galls come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, textures, and sizes: little kisses, witch’s hats, flying saucers, puff balls, urchins...


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